

Monday, August 17, 2009

Love and Surrender

It's been so long since I've updated this site! I recently took my little monkeys to Acadia National Park. It was beautiful! We rented a house on a quarry and surrounding the water were various rock sculptures that the property owner had carved and birds of every song. I saw my first eagle! A very significant event for me. While the eagle was circling I sent up a prayers of love and gratitude for the land and a prayer of surrender to Spirit. Surrender... It's absolutely terrifying to let go of what you dearly want. You must calmly go to a sacred place and put on a cloak of faith. I had been involved with a man that I had grown to care about in a few short weeks. I spent many minutes during my retreat feeling pleased with myself for having taken the initiative to know him. And it did take initiative, I wasn't eager to risk getting hurt again. Prior to meeting him I had been in a good place... I wasn't lonely... I wasn't needy... I wasn't pre-occupied. I had been content to date casually and enjoy the different people I was meeting. Anyway, ( there is a point to all this) I was sitting out on the quarry glad to have found someone I was interested in beyond dinner. And while I was thanking Spirit I was surrendering as well. The very next day, the day I came home, he ended the relationship. Ugh! Never saw it coming. So I sobbed for hours, not because I had been in love but from the disappointment and frustration of it all. I felt betrayed my own foolish heart. I was angry, defiant and felt sorry for myself. Then while sitting out on my roof to watch the sunrise, I remembered those prayers I had sent up. Ah, yes...I did agree to this ending on some level energetically. So what was the point to another heartbreak? Where's the lesson? To quote from Paulo Coehlo ' Love is not to be found in someone else, but in ourselves; we simply awaken to it. But in order to do that we need the other person.' I now love myself a tiny bit more. I love that I didn't shy away from a new experience. I love my courage, my openness, that my spirit hasn't been broken. I love my fragility. And I love that I'm not intimidated by rejection or indifference. Love is like looking at the same mountain from different angles. Do I wish I loved myself a little bit less right now and was still with my boyfriend? Sure, I'm only human. But since that wasn't in the stars I might as well throw up my hands, surrender, and heart me a little bit more.

* photo by G. Kai


TJ Lubrano said...

I love that picture! The colors, what it shows us...mesmerizing!

TJ Lubrano said...

Sorry, I clicked to quickly!

To surrender is so difficult to do! And if you finally surrender and it doesn't go the you planned it...that makes it difficult. We mustn't forget that everything we do in life is a learning process, one we guide ourselves and not by others. The fact that you learned to love yourself a bit more is really good! you grewas a person. Take care, TJ